Born on August 1, 1997, in Offa S/P Agboville, Côte d’Ivoire, Tetchi Yapi Jean Yves, known professionally as TETCHI, is a young artist-painter with a deep passion for visual storytelling. A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Plastiques d’Architecture et de Design d’Abidjan (E.S.A.P.A.D.), where he specialized in painting, Tetchi now balances teaching plastic arts with his thriving artistic career in Abidjan.
Tetchi’s work explores the intricacies of human connections and emotions within society, serving as a visual commentary on the daily lives of people. He aims to bridge the growing divide brought on by individualism, questioning its roots and seeking ways to address this global concern. His art seeks to reunite humanity, promoting a more socially connected world.
Through his use of lines, Tetchi reveals the unseen—hidden influences and invisible emotional states, such as love, friendship, hatred, and hostility. These lines symbolize the zones of influence and the mental and emotional landscapes that define each individual. His work invites reflection on how we interact with one another and the invisible threads that connect us all.